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Pricing Information - 2025 Rates

What's included in our packages - and what our competitors leave out.

Stanley's strives to provide you with value for your vacation dollars. We know what components of your vacation are required and will put those into each package. Our policy is to not "nickel and dime" our customers, and lure them in with one price and then slap on "extras" once you are at the resort. Please read what each package includes and we also explain what is not included. This usually amounts to taxes, food, and optional boat and motor insurance.

The following is a list of items that if you are considering other resorts or lodges that may be considered extras:

Package items Stanley's Packages Competitor Packages
boat gas all included - no limits on boat rental daily or weekly limit - extra gas at high $$
bait all bait included (Cabin Only and Buzzard Outpost package excluded) may or may not include - may charge in excess of $7-10 doz.
license conservation license included

extra $$

boat insurance standard insurance included (prop - skeg), major damage $500 deductible - Zero deductible insurance available $150 per boat pay for damage out of your own pocket
portage boats included extra $$
depth finders included $20 - $50 week
trolling motors included $70 - $100 week
maps included extra $$
wireless internet included available??
linen & towels included - towels changed daily bring own or pay extra $$
TV with Streaming devices FireStick streaming devices in each cabin or bring yours from home. LCD TVs. Bring your passwords to you favorite streaming platforms and watch your shows up here. Netflix, Prime, Disney etc. available??
ice unlimited - all that you want pay per bag $$
fish cleaning included - vacuum packaged or cleaned fresh for the fry pan do your own or pay per fish $$
shorelunch gear included extra $$
lake tour included available??
fish fry included - we provide everything potluck??
electricity We are serviced by Ontario Hydro, no generators. All electric stoves, heat, refrigerators, hot water, 24 hrs day. generator and propane appliances???
access We are located only 1 mile from the Trans-Canada highway- we have a well maintained gravel road - drive right to your cabin door. Lengthy bush road? Boat in and transfer your gear several times?

These are all important things that you should know up front when considering you fishing trip. Many times our guests have mentioned to us that the "extras" at other lodges have surpassed the cost of staying at Stanley's, while the facilities, equipment and service didn't measure up. This is why Stanley's has been operating for close to 75 years as a family run resort, because we provide quality packages that offer a great value for your vacation.